Jojune: Golden Wind: Episode 16- The Grateful Dead Part 2- Pesci’s Last Stand

Picking up from the shocking cliffhanger of the last episode, we continue the ride on this crazy train. But what makes this, in my opinion, one of the best episodes in Golden Wind is a certain mammoni who rises to the occasion to be a deadly force to be reckoned with, hence why it gets its own post.

Let’s keep things going here cause I have quite a bit to discuss later.

Having thrown Prosciutto and himself off the train, Bucciarati’s bold act almost kills the two. Pesci regains consciousness and grabs them using 「Beach Boy」, allowing for a quick save. But the fight with Prosciutto seemingly ends when Bucciarati takes advantage of 「Beach Boy 」’s line and its ability to rebound attacks. This sends Prosciutto off the line and to certain death. Pesci soon notices this from the line getting lighter and from passengers affected by 「The Grateful Dead」 recovering from its aging effects. However, Prosciutto was only unconscious but mortally wounded and stuck under the train. Because of this, the effects of aging resume.  

Moved by this act of determinazione, Pesci quickly grows a ten-pound pair of calhones and vows revenge.

With the fight now down to himself and Bucciarati, Pesci attacks. The battle rages on from the outside to eventually inside the train, where Bucciarati hides in one of the passenger cabins. But when 「Beach Boy」 starts to burrow into Bucciarati’s chest cavity, he decides to make a drastic move. He uses Sticky Fingers to split himself apart, making it difficult for Pesci to pinpoint his location. Bucciarati even goes so far as to split his own heart in half. This desperate move works, almost costing Bucciarati his own life. Pesci’s frantic actions manage to stop the train, allowing Bucciarati to pull himself together, and the two meet outside for one final showdown. After an intensive second round, Pesci is maimed. This causes him to pull a trump card: Trish. Before leaving the train, Pesci grabbed the turtle and took Trish hostage, determined to kill himself and Team Bucciarati if necessary. Bucciarati stops him and kills him using Sticky Fingers. As things die down, Trish confronts Bucciarati about a strange phenomenon that occurred during the fight: a strange handprint that appeared next to her. Based on this occurrence, he confirms Trish is a Stand user, but her Stand hasn’t fully manifested.

Later, with Team Bucciarati long gone, another member of La Squadra appears on the scene. Named Melone, he tells another colleague on his cell phone that he can use blood left behind from Bucciarati to track down and kill the group.

Hands down, this is one of the best fights in Part 5! I said in yesterday’s post that the initial battle between Team Bucciarati and The Grateful Dead is intense, but that’s because a lot of the tension comes from not knowing who is attacking at first. The fight between Bucciarati and Pesci is intense because Pesci’s demeanor changes halfway through the episode.

Pesci is an underrated Stand user with a deadly ability. Even Bucciarati acknowledges in this episode that he’s a legitimate threat. 「Beach Boy」 can pull anyone or anything with his fishing line. This ability proves deadly towards the end as Pesci pulls a passenger’s heart out and almost does the same move on Bucciarati. On top of that, the fishing line is unbreakable, in addition to its ability to reflect back attacks. The only thing that can stop Pesci is, well, Pesci himself.

He’s a very cowardly character, which can be grading at times. He also lacks self-confidence. But when he gets serious, he becomes a deadly force to be reckoned with. Pesci is one of my favorite members of La Squadra because of this, and his fight with Bucciarati is one of my all-time favorites in Jojo.

I have very few complaints with this episode, though I hate that this is the finale of the fight. But overall, this is a fantastic episode that fully displays everyone’s favorite mammoni.

Now, for tomorrow’s episode, let’s say we go from one of my favorite members of La Squadra to my least favorite. And that goes for his Stand, too.

Until then, enjoy the rest of your day!

-Hanime on Anime

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