Characters of the Month: Takeo and Yamato

Greetings, fabulous people of the Internet! Hanime on Anime here, and welcome to the monthly tradition here that is Character of the Month! And I fully admit I fell for these two. It’s no surprise, though, considering I am obsessed with the show they’re featured in, often referencing it in all my reviews this month.

I’m sure y’all probably know who it is right by now, so let’s rip the bandaid off, shall we? Let’s discuss May’s Characters of the Month, Takeo and Yamato from My Love Story!!

Gamer Rant

Takeo is a massive high school freshman with very little brains. But despite his enormous size, he wants to find love. After an altercation with a creeper on the subway, he falls for Yamato. At first, he believes that she wants his friend, Sunakawa. Quickly, Takeo realizes she wants him, and a cute romance between these two lovebirds commences.


If you were to have me watch this show and then tell me that this is what most anime couples are like, I’d believe it. These two are super sweet and meant for each other. Jokingly, it’s because they’re both pretty clueless, but they also are devoted to one another. These two are in love and go to great lengths to show that. It’s all the mushy gushiness you can ask for. And sure, other couples exemplify this devotion better (I think Yuki and Itsuomi from Signs of Affection are a great example), but they cover the basics.

Just Something about Lyn Lyn

I also enjoy that these two are experiencing love for the first time. There are a lot of moments where these two navigate what it means to be in a romantic relationship. There’s an innocence about it that’s very touching. At times, they made me think of my own marriage.

These two define young love, and that’s what made them the title this month. So keep going strong and learning the meaning of true love, Takeo and Yamoto, cause you’re Hanime on Anime’s Character of the Month for May!

Anime News UK

Now, before I go, I have one announcement about a particular event coming up. June is coming, and you all know what that means: Jojune!

And this year’s event is going to be interesting for several reasons. One is that I won’t be doing that many regular Sunday posts, if any. I confirmed very recently, at the time of writing this post, that I’ve been suffering from depression.  

And in case anyone is wondering, it has been related to work.  

Because of this, it’s been hard to concentrate on putting anything, much less stuff for this blog, together. Still, I will make this a great event because I love doing Jojune every year. You may also hear about it through the Jojune daily reviews if I post anything regarding regular posts.  


Another interesting part about this year’s Jojune daily posts is that I’ll be looking into Part 5. Sure, that’s great, but Golden Wind is a very divisive season for me, so much so that I’ll be doing an introductory post on May 31.

Needless to say, this year’s Jojune will be molto interesante.

For now, though, enjoy the rest of your day, and stay tuned on May 31 for an early start to June. Arrivederci for now!

-Hanime on Anime

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